Rules for Admission



Rules for Admission as per the EHMA Statute

Art. N. 2 – Composition

General Managers or equivalent, presidents, vice-presidents, managing directors, operating owners of hotel chains, groups, and hotels of primary importance and international standing operating within Europe are eligible for election as members of the Association. Possession of the requisite qualifications for admission as a member is referred for consideration to the Management Council whose decision shall be final.

For the admission of members the “Rules for Entry” shall be observed. Any Member may recommend candidates for admission.

Candidates must fulfill the criteria in Article 2 and possess a professional background in the hotel industry of not less than ten years. The period spent at an internationally recognized hotel school could be considered within the required ten years of professional background.

The application form, endorsed by two sponsoring Members and the National Delegate shall be submitted to the Management Council for final approval.
The new Member shall be encouraged to attend the first General Meeting following his/her acceptance.

The total Membership of each nation represented in the Association shall not exceed 25% of the total of the Members with right to vote.


The annual Membership subscription decided by the Management Council for each successive year, must be paid not later than the 31st December of the preceding year.

The annual membership subscription shall be fixed at half fee for members accepted during the first two Management Council Meetings of the year whereas those accepted during the third meeting will be exempted from paying the annual fee for the year of admission.

Active members EURO 395