EHMA France & Monaco Meeting & Lunch in Paris

EHMA France & Monaco Meeting & Lunch in Paris

Happy to have hosted our first reunion of the year in Paris with a wonderful gathering at the Hôtel Prince de Galles, a Luxury Collection Property hosted by our fine EHMA colleague Gerald Krischek, on Monday the 4th of March. Our guest of honor was Mrs. Sophie Lacressonnière, Mission Director of the Paris Olympic Games, Paris Tourism Office “Paris je t’aime”. With a few months left before the Summer Olympic Games in Paris, Parisian colleagues were all hears about the final preparations of the games, all the logistic behind the organization and the latest developments….and yes, it is still not too late to book travels to Paris, purchase tickets for the competitions and witness one of a kind world class event. A golden opportunity to showcase Paris live to 4 billion followers. Paris hosted last the Olympic Games in 1924… and now in 2024: “Ouvrons Grand les Jeux – Made for Sharing”!

The lunch was served in the hotel restaurant 19.20 by Norbert Tarayre, the newest gourmet rendez-vous on Avenue George V from a talented Chef!

From left to right: Solveig Herth, Gerald Krischek, Jean-Claude Wietzel, Thierry Pecorella, Michel Cottray, Julien Bardet, Alice Mafaity, Mme Lacressonnière, Jean-Luc Cousty, Alessandra Bragoli.
European Hotel Manager of the Year
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EHMA Italian Chapter Autumn Meeting Recap

Last weekend, the Italian Chapter of the EHMA met at the stunning Borgo Egnazia in Puglia. Hosted by co-owner Aldo Melpignano and General Manager Emanuele Manfroi, who has been an EHMA member since 2023, this event drew unprecedented attendance and underscored the Italian delegation’s commitment to tackling the evolving challenges in the luxury hospitality industry.

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